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Cosmin ( uzzi )
Thursday, 13 April 2023 10:50
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Mi-e dor de tineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Monday, 06 April 2020 15:09 | Londra, UK
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Monday, 06 April 2020 14:12
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La multi ani, Cata!
Mi-e dor de tine in fiecare zi! 36 de ani! Wow
Saturday, 06 July 2019 02:19 | Londra
Cat ai de gand sa ne mai lasi sa te asteptam, FRATE ??? E 2:17 in Londra ... plang la fel de mult ca atunci cand am fost la priveghi si la inmormantare!!! Termina cu glumele si vino inapoi, frate!!!!!! TE PUPA uzzi!!!!!
Gina Necula
Thursday, 06 April 2017 09:06 | Romania, Bucuresti
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6 aprilie 2017
De acolo de unde esti stiu, ca ne veghezi pe toti.
Ne e dor de tine Catalin....
Te port si te voi purta mereu cu mine, in suflet si in inima.
Ne e dor de tine Catalin....
Te port si te voi purta mereu cu mine, in suflet si in inima.
Sunday, 25 December 2016 11:02
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Missing you, dude!
Monday, 06 April 2015 21:06
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Cateva imagini cu tixi si gaşca.
Gina Necula
Monday, 06 April 2015 10:31 | Romania, Bucuresti
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6 aprilie 2015
Dumnezeu sa te odihneasca si sa te aiba in paza.
De acolo stiu ca ne veghezi pe toti.
Noi nu te-am uitat, esti mereu viu in gandurile noastre.
De acolo stiu ca ne veghezi pe toti.
Noi nu te-am uitat, esti mereu viu in gandurile noastre.
Sunday, 31 August 2014 21:24 | London, UK
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10 ani...
Monday, 07 April 2014 23:54
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Pst! ❤️❤️
Thursday, 24 October 2013 13:41
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Eu cred că la viteza aia ușa de la mașină nu se poate deschide (presiunea aerului), dobitocul ăla nu a mai reușit să i-a curba.
Era și o fată în dreapta, pe ea o durea mâna dreaptă (cred), nu putea să iasă pt că centura era blocată, versiunea ei care a fost?
Era și o fată în dreapta, pe ea o durea mâna dreaptă (cred), nu putea să iasă pt că centura era blocată, versiunea ei care a fost?
Friday, 17 May 2013 23:51 | London
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I still miss you terribly
It doesn't get any easier as time goes by...
Saturday, 06 April 2013 22:13
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La Multi Ani
La multi ani Catut! 29 de ani ai fi implinit, timpul trece prea repede! Te imbratisez cu drag
Thursday, 27 December 2012 13:57 | Bucuresti
Sa te odihnesti in pace Tixi, esti viu in amintirile tuturor ce te-au cunoscut.
Tuesday, 25 December 2012 23:20
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Inca un an...
A mai trecut un an fara tine si voi incepe unul nou tot fara tine! Nu stiu daca sa ma intristez mai mult ca amintirile cu tine par din ce in ce mai indepartate si nu pot opri timpul sau sa ma bucur ca am mers mai departe in viata! Cand ma intreaba cunoscutii daca mai am frati sau surori raman blocata, nu pot spune DA pentru ca ma intristez si nu pot soune NU pentru ca as minti! Inca mai am mesajul mamei dupa primul Craciun fara tine, o steluta in brad va straluci in fiecare an de Craciun!
Wednesday, 16 May 2012 02:42
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"E sus si vede"
Tu frate ti-ai incheiat "misiunea" mai repede decat noi, ma bucur ca esti intr-un loc mai bun si in acelasi timp suparat pe cel de sus ca a avut nevoie de tine si te-a chemat la El atat de devreme.Cateodata ma gandesc cat mai e p*** la runda urmatoare, o fi eco o fi cu de toate dar parca nu mai vine si ma uit la ceas si vad 4.31 si nu scade ca la CS... creste.Am ajuns in 2012 si nu e sfarsitul lumii e un nou inceput poate o sa se puna iar zambetul pe buzele oamenilor care p*** acum erau tristi si fara speranta si daca nu e chiar asa cum cred eu pune o vorba buna pentru noi oamenii p*** devenim ca tine ingeri.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012 12:58
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8 ani
Anul acesta se implinesc 8 ani de cand ai plecat de langa noi! 8 ani si prietenii tai nu te-au uitat! Unii s-au casatorit, unii sunt parinti acum, insa nu si-au uitat prietenul lor vechi! Te imbratisez cu drag fratiorul meu scump!
Monday, 20 February 2012 22:37 | Bucuresti
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Cand au trecut 8 ani ??????
Monday, 26 December 2011 05:18 | London, UK
For fuck sake!
Saturday, 24 December 2011 13:00 | London
I still feel a warmth around me, and your presence is still near.
And I miss you.
And I miss you.
Sunday, 28 August 2011 06:10
Absenta ta este nemarginita. Fie ca Dumnezeu sa te aiba in grija!
Tuesday, 05 April 2011 22:00 | London
It\'s taken me awhile to work up the nerve to write anything. I suppose maybe I didn\'t feel like I had anything left to say…
I\'m having one of those days where I can\'t believe you\'re really gone! It keeps washing over me like new news. It still feels so wrong!!!
It’s hard to believe that it has been 6 years since you left us and even harder not to pick up the phone to call you and wish you a happy birthday. I wonder if people really can look down and see how everyone is doing here on Earth and some days, harder days, I like to think they can. If you could see how many people loved and respect you, you\'d know you lived life well. When we realise what little power we possess over our futures, I think we start to see how our decisions today shape the rest of our lives.
I\'ve read in a book few lines saying the following: \"Often it seems that those who have most to give to the world are the very ones who are taken from it in the flower of their youth and vigour. It is hard to understand why this should be so unless - and this I believe to be true - they have done whatever it was they had to do here, have fulfilled their secret contract with this world, and have been released for more important work elsewhere.\"
I had several signs from you today. Thanks for those. I feel a warmth around me, like your presence is so near and you will continue to live within me and my memories.
Happy Birthday, Catutz!
I\'m having one of those days where I can\'t believe you\'re really gone! It keeps washing over me like new news. It still feels so wrong!!!
It’s hard to believe that it has been 6 years since you left us and even harder not to pick up the phone to call you and wish you a happy birthday. I wonder if people really can look down and see how everyone is doing here on Earth and some days, harder days, I like to think they can. If you could see how many people loved and respect you, you\'d know you lived life well. When we realise what little power we possess over our futures, I think we start to see how our decisions today shape the rest of our lives.
I\'ve read in a book few lines saying the following: \"Often it seems that those who have most to give to the world are the very ones who are taken from it in the flower of their youth and vigour. It is hard to understand why this should be so unless - and this I believe to be true - they have done whatever it was they had to do here, have fulfilled their secret contract with this world, and have been released for more important work elsewhere.\"
I had several signs from you today. Thanks for those. I feel a warmth around me, like your presence is so near and you will continue to live within me and my memories.
Happy Birthday, Catutz!
Thursday, 17 February 2011 03:06 | Milano
Am reusit ceea ce mi-am propus. Oricine poate vedea filmul tau pe aici:
Te pupa uzzi ai grija de tine
Te pupa uzzi ai grija de tine
Sunday, 26 December 2010 15:30 | Londra
O stelua straluceste in fiecare an in bradul de Craciun! Ma bucur nespus de mult sa vad ca prietenii nu te-au uitat si vin din cand in cand sa te salute! Te imbratisez cu drag!
Saturday, 25 December 2010 21:14 | London
Another year has passed…another year without having someone making me jealous I\'ve got no dimples, without having someone singing me \"Pretty woman\" while going down the street...
It has been so long since I was able to hear or to see you. Never did I once imagine that you would so soon be gone. I miss you like hell...
I\'m sure God has some great plan for you. I\'m sure in heaven you are the angel who spends his happy, glorious days watching over us. I may no longer be able to watch over you anymore, but you still continue to make sure I don\'t meet trouble.
Death is degraded. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal...
Dear Death,
What do you tell people after you take away their friends, family, or selves? Do you say \"oh sorry about that. My mistake.\" Or is it more like \"geeze you knew that person?\" Well, thanks Death. Thanks for taking him away...
It has been so long since I was able to hear or to see you. Never did I once imagine that you would so soon be gone. I miss you like hell...
I\'m sure God has some great plan for you. I\'m sure in heaven you are the angel who spends his happy, glorious days watching over us. I may no longer be able to watch over you anymore, but you still continue to make sure I don\'t meet trouble.
Death is degraded. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal...
Dear Death,
What do you tell people after you take away their friends, family, or selves? Do you say \"oh sorry about that. My mistake.\" Or is it more like \"geeze you knew that person?\" Well, thanks Death. Thanks for taking him away...
Sunday, 05 December 2010 23:15 | London were here again...
Saturday, 14 August 2010 00:02 | London
Dragul meu Catutz...Ma uitam mai devreme prin niste carti mai vechi si din una din ele a cazut o poza cu tine...o poza cu tine zambind...Stiu ca a fost un semn...
Nu am avut cum sa\'mi stapanesc fost lacrimi de tristete, de dor, dar si de bucurie. Ma bucur foarte mult ca esti mereu langa mine, asa cum mi-ai promis si asa cum imi spui de fiecare data cand vorbim...
P.S: \"This heart!\" ;-)
Nu am avut cum sa\'mi stapanesc fost lacrimi de tristete, de dor, dar si de bucurie. Ma bucur foarte mult ca esti mereu langa mine, asa cum mi-ai promis si asa cum imi spui de fiecare data cand vorbim...
P.S: \"This heart!\" ;-)
Thursday, 24 December 2009 19:55 | London
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It\'s Christmas Eve already...It\'s just another Christmas without you...and all I know is that I miss you like hell...and that is why I dedicate my Christmas time to you, my lovely Cata. Wish you were here...
Thursday, 12 February 2009 23:49
Il poti vedea aici:
Sunday, 25 December 2011 02:20 | Roma
N`are rost sa scriu mai mult... Merry Christmas ! Be careful,we see you soon
Buruiana Florin
Wednesday, 02 November 2011 19:43 | Focsani
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Sunday, 12 June 2011 13:05 | Bucuresti
Draga Tixi, trecerea timpului nu reuseste sa-mi stearga amintirea ta nespus de frumoasa si dureroasa.Dumnezeu sa te odihneasca in pace!
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 15:06
E ziua ta Catuta,
Te asteptam sa vii
Si-un dar micut te asteapta
Dar stim ca nu mai poti sa vii
Catuta noi de ziua ta iti uram:
De Dumnezeu sa fii iubit
Iar de ingerii pazitori,
Sa fii mereu calauzit
Noi de aici de pe pamant
Suntem cu gandul la sufletul tau
Sa nu uiti Catuta draga,
Ca te vom iubi mereu,
Te plange Leti
Te plange Adi
Te plange Ralu
Te plange Pufu
Te plangem toti....
Ca tu ai fost si vei ramane
In amintirea noastra
Catuta cel frumos....
Te asteptam sa vii
Si-un dar micut te asteapta
Dar stim ca nu mai poti sa vii
Catuta noi de ziua ta iti uram:
De Dumnezeu sa fii iubit
Iar de ingerii pazitori,
Sa fii mereu calauzit
Noi de aici de pe pamant
Suntem cu gandul la sufletul tau
Sa nu uiti Catuta draga,
Ca te vom iubi mereu,
Te plange Leti
Te plange Adi
Te plange Ralu
Te plange Pufu
Te plangem toti....
Ca tu ai fost si vei ramane
In amintirea noastra
Catuta cel frumos....
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:05 | Milano
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La Multi Ani Tixi ! Ai grija de tine, de noi ....intr-o buna zi,vom fi din nou impreuna,ca la groapa . C`ya dude !
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 12:27 | Bucharest
Hello m8! La multi ani! :/ cu toate ca imi doresc asa de mult sa-ti fi putut zice fata in fata. Imi e dor de tine! Ai grija de noi!
Tuesday, 05 April 2011 16:12 | UK
Poate cei care sunt in Focsani, daca au timp, sa treaca si pe la mormant sa lase o sa beti o bere si pentru el!
Mario Plescan
Tuesday, 15 March 2011 19:01 | Bucuresti
A trecut o vesnicie de cand nu te-am vazut, dar totusi esti atat de viu in amintirea mea, sa stii tinere domn , ca inca imi este dor de tine, inca ma gandesc la tine si asa va fi mereu. Odihneste-te in pace bro! Miss u bad!
Monday, 07 March 2011 10:07 | Bucharest
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Salut. Se apropie 6 Apr si as vrea sa \"organizez\" o intalnire pentru cei din Focsani, prieteni vechi... la o tigara + cola... sa mai depanam amintiri. cine se baga sa-mi dea un mail / add pe mess...
As prefera totusi in weekend (2 sau 9) deplasarea de la bucuresti e practic imposibila in timpul saptamanii.
Sunt sigur ca s-ar bucura sa ne vada impreuna... asa cum eram odata.
Miss u m8!
As prefera totusi in weekend (2 sau 9) deplasarea de la bucuresti e practic imposibila in timpul saptamanii.
Sunt sigur ca s-ar bucura sa ne vada impreuna... asa cum eram odata.
Miss u m8!
Friday, 25 February 2011 17:36 | Milano
Pentru cei care l-au cunoscut, pentru cei care folosesc mIRC-ul : /server 6667 /j #Tixi4ever !!! L-am refacut, va ramane, mereu,pentru EL
Tuesday, 15 February 2011 14:52 | Buzau
R.I.P Tixi
Sunday, 06 February 2011 19:42 | London
Rest in peace Tixi
nu o sa te uitam niciodata
nu o sa te uitam niciodata
Saturday, 05 February 2011 13:08
mare om.. ai grija de noi tixi..
Saturday, 15 January 2011 01:10
R.I.P Tixi.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011 10:08 | Bucuresti!
timpul trece... insa nimeni nu te va uita vreodata, TIXI4EVER.
Cosmin Dragos
Sunday, 26 December 2010 12:06 | Verona
Desi e cald in casa, m\'apuca frigu\' cand \'mi\'aduc aminte au trecut 6 ani fara TINE, fara zambetul TAU. Cuvintele sunt in zadar, nu te pot intoarce printre noi,dar asa cum fac toti oamenii ... m-am gandit ca n-ar fi rau sa-ti spun pentru a N-a oara \'\'MISS YOU buddy\", sper ca acolo unde esti sa-ti fie foarte BINE, sa fii departe de aceasta lume cruda,murdara,perversa . Am o acuta lipsa de cuvinte,idei, nu stiu ce sa-ti spun. Merry Christmas TIE,familiei tale si tuturor celor care te-au cunoscut. Be careful Cata.
Best regards uzzi
Best regards uzzi
Sunday, 26 December 2010 07:45 | Focsani
Azi se implinesc 6 ani de cand nu mai esti printre noi si le la fel de dureros ca in prima zi...sper ca acolo unde esti acum sa-ti fie mai bine decat aici pe pamant. Ai grija de cei care sunt acolo cu tine si vegheaza-i pe cei ramasi pe pamant...RIP
Friday, 24 December 2010 20:52
inca un an... sper ca acolo sus mosul ti-a adus tot ce ti-ai dorit... miss u a lot
Leti Sora
Thursday, 02 December 2010 23:39
A 6-a iarna fara tine...poate ar trebui sa incetez sa mai numar, totul e inca la fel de dureros ca atunci cand alergam spre spital...
Soferul? Nu a patit nimic, nici macar permisul nu i l-au ridicat, ba chiar a inceput sa dea declaratii in proces precum Cata a incercat sa iasa din masina, el a deschis usa si a sarit ... mizerii! Ce mai conteaza ca ti-ai omorat prietenul si ca ai venit in lacrimi la parinti lui sa iti ceri iertare ... s-a gandit mai bine si a spus sa arunce si cu noroi in el dupa ce nu mai era...acum au ramas doar amintirile si lacrimile.
Soferul? Nu a patit nimic, nici macar permisul nu i l-au ridicat, ba chiar a inceput sa dea declaratii in proces precum Cata a incercat sa iasa din masina, el a deschis usa si a sarit ... mizerii! Ce mai conteaza ca ti-ai omorat prietenul si ca ai venit in lacrimi la parinti lui sa iti ceri iertare ... s-a gandit mai bine si a spus sa arunce si cu noroi in el dupa ce nu mai era...acum au ramas doar amintirile si lacrimile.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010 09:01 | Romania
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Un gand pios pentru un suflet tanar, trecut prea timpuriu in lumea de dincolo.
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